Dutch professor speaks out failure of EU

If Europeans inevitably become minorities t will be to late to start preaching western cultural values, it will sort no effect. The migrants bring their own culture and that culture is for the larger part islamic, mass immigration from non western countries must be stopped otherwise the west will fall to islam. You cannot change the entire demographics and expect it not to have a enormous effect on the culture as a whole. Mass immigration is no fix for OUR low birthrates and europeans should start to realise that we as cultures and ethnic groups are worth saving and preserving. We deserve to have a future in our own countries, living among ourselves, celebrating our own culture and passing it on to our next generation. Its not racist nor fascist to want such, it is simply what any people would want. We dont deserve to be mass immigrated into the anals of history. Lets face up to the fact that we are not just a social securitynumber or a passport and that we are more then a simple nationality, we are a people!

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