Adolf Hitler The greatest story Never told Full 6 hours Documentary
Did Hitler escape to Argentina with a daughter called Angela? The answer is yes.
Adolf Hitler and his daughter Angela
With the release of Top Secret FBI files from Wiki Leaks these official FBI documents confirme that the world’s most notorious leader actually escaped Germany and lived a peaceful life in the foothills of the Andes Mountains in South America and ha a dauighter called ANGELA. Newly declassified FBI documents prove that the government knew Hitler was alive and well, and living in the Andes Mountains long after World War II. Look at the story of Adolf Eichmann who was located in Argentina in the 1960′s
Please read this full article to learn the shocking truth that Angela Merkel is really the daughter of the most evil dictators the world ever has seen: Adolf Hitler .

On April 30 1945, Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in his underground bunker. His dooble was later discovered and identified by the Soviets before being rushed back to Russia. Is it a fact that the Soviets have been lying all this time, and that history has to be rewritten because the release of the FBI documents and lots of evidence proove the shocking truth.

Recently, released leaked WIKI Leaks jTop Secret FBI documents show that not only were Hitler and Eva Braun’s suicide faked, the infamous pair might have had help from the Director of the US’ OSS office in Switzerland – and the man who would later become the first Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles. In one FBI document from Los Angeles, it is revealed that the agency was well aware of a submarine making its way up the Argentinian coast dropping off high level Nazi officials and Adolf Hitler. What is even more astonishing is the fact that the FBI knew Adolf Hitler was in fact living in the foothills of the Andes.
Now with this info below, it explains so much that did not make any sense. First of all The German gov under Merkel has doled out billions of dollars in reparations to the zionist khazars, and has allowed massive structures to dot the German landscrape that are zionist related facilities. We also discovered that Angela made some seriously disparaging comments about America and its stazi Nazi police state which we published before this one. So, given her connections to the Rothschild family, why is she disparaging the US and comparing it to nazi Germany where her own father, if that is what you want to call Hitlers sperm, was villified for doing all kinds of bad things, under command of the Rothschild international bankers. Angela is a result of the bankers dream to take control of reproductive rights and raise children by the state, and she made it to the top because she was a good student of those same bankers.
The fourth Reich

Given that the USA is doing Rothschild bidding in the middle east and elsewhere, like the NSA spying, then why are they using her in particular to set the USA up for WW III ? We know the game plan and have no intentions of going along with it. No matter what, everyone knows who is behind the curtain and no amount of false flagging is going to make us get bad at someone other than the bankers and their puppets, the Khazar International Zionist bankers, and that is the only people we will do WW III against. So, they wasted Angela, since the game is afoot and we know all the players now. What a waste.
It wasn't long until flaws in the theory surfaced. As further historical research was conducted, rumors began to circulate that challenged the suicide theory with claims of Hitler's escape to Argentina - particularly with news of sightings of German U-boats off the Argentinean coast.
Revealed will examine the declassified reports and eyewitness accounts of Hitler's life in Argentina in order to recreate the dictator's final years. In spite of the intense secrecy under which he lived, many saw and even worked for Hitler. Revealed will present the disturbing possibility that one of the world's most evil men was allowed to live out his final years in utter tranquility.
In 1945, the world was convinced that Adolf Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun had committed suicide in a Berlin bunker, though this theory lacked proper documentation and evidence. It wasn't long until flaws in the theory surfaced. As further historical research was conducted, rumors began to circulate that challenged the suicide theory with claims of Hitler's escape to Argentina - particularly with news of sightings of German U-boats off the Argentinean coast.
Win the world’s biggest jackpot
Yet, it wasn't until the recent declassification of secret documents by the Argentinean government and the FBI concerning the post-WWII era that researchers began to take the rumors seriously.Revealed will examine the declassified reports and eyewitness accounts of Hitler's life in Argentina in order to recreate the dictator's final years. In spite of the intense secrecy under which he lived, many saw and even worked for Hitler.Revealed will present the disturbing possibility that one of the world's most evil men was allowed to live out his final years in utter tranquility.
The Berlin informant
A Berlin secret agent informant agreed to exchange information for political asylum with the FBI. The informant knew Hitler was in Argentina. The Argentinian government not only welcomed the former German dictator, but also aided in his hiding.
The FBI Tried to Hide Hitler’s Whereabouts:
Even with a detailed physical description and directions and even with evidence placing the German sub U-530 on the Argentinian coast shortly before finally surrounding, and plenty of eye witness accounts of German official being dropped off, no one investigated.
Hitler - The Rise (Full Film)
Angela Hitler The rise of evil

With this info below, it explains so much that did not make any sense. First of all The German gov under Merkel has doled out billions of dollars in reparations to the zionist khazars, and has allowed massive structures to dot the German landscrape that are zionist related facilities. We also discovered that Angela Hitler made some seriously disparaging comments about America and its stazi Nazi police state which we published before this one.
So, given her connections to the Rothschild family, why is she disparaging the US and comparing it to nazi Germany where her own father Adolf, if that is what you want to call Hitlers sperm, was villified for doing all kinds of bad things, under command of the Rothschild international bankers. Angela Hitler is a result of the bankers dream to take control of reproductive rights and raise children by the state, and she made it to the top because she was a good student of those same bankers.
Given that the USA is doing Rothschild bidding in the middle east and elsewhere, like the NSA spying, then why are they using her in particular to set the USA up for WW III ? We know the game plan and have no intentions of going along with it. No matter what, everyone knows who is behind the curtain and no amount of false flagging is going to make us get bad at someone other than the bankers and their puppets, the Khazar International Zionist bankers, and that is the only people we will do WW III against. So, they wasted Angela, since the game is afoot
Angela Merkel was born in the D.D.R., the Communist portion of Germany in 1954. Her biography says she was born on July 17, 1954, and that she is the daughter of a Lutheran minister from an East German-controlled church but that is a lie. Soviet KJB archive files reveal an entirely different story. Stasi GDR files indicate that she was born on April 20th, 1954, (VN: wasn't that Hitlers Birthday April 20?) and details of her birth were included in the records of the German Dr. Karl Klauberg, who was one of the Nazi "death doctors" convicted by Soviet courts and imprisoned. When he later was recognized as a brilliant scientist, he was released after seven years and was recognized as the father of artificial insemination and admitted that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler.
The Soviets were even more curious when they discovered Dr. Klauberg had preserved frozen samples of the sperm of Adolf Hitler. The forces of darkness in high places decided to try to produce a child from Hitler's sperm, obviously for occult and illuministic purposes. Dr. Klauberg then brought the youngest sister of Eva Braun (Hitler's wife), whose name was Gretl, to Eastern Germany, and the result of the experiment produced not a biological son of Hitler, but rather a daughter called Angela.
New Evidence
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889, and Angela Merkel was born on April 20th, 1954. (April 20th is 11 days before the witches' high sabat of Beltaine.) Angela became a custodian of the Catholic Church through its connections with the East German Luceferian Church. Once a Zionist would take the Roman throne, Angela Merkel was to also take her biological father's position as German Chancellor. (VN: The holiest days for the occult are from April 19 to May 6; remember, the gulf blow out occurred on April 19.
On April 20th, 2005, the Zionist Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, (16th), precisely on the 116th birthday of Adolf Hitler. Then on November 22nd, 2005, Hitler's biological daughter, Angela Merkel was elected Chancellor of Germany. The day of that election, November 22nd, was the anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species, which is an antichrist publication denying the Creator of the universe.
The Soviet record evidence is strong, The undeniable fact is that Angela Merkel came from obscurity to triumviral power as German Chancellor, President of the European Union, and head of the powerful G-8 economic cartel. (VN: Sounds like the rise of Obama here in the US. Wonder if he is also a rothschild?) When I began to do further research on this, I discovered that Hitler's father, who took the name Hitler, was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild mistress whose last name was Schicklgruber.
Merkel and Osten

Here’s the proove of Merkel in 1986 with members of the DDR version of the Hitler Youth, the FDJ or DDR Jugenverbandes. Sitting near him is little Geli Merkel. Very few people doubt that the man who raised the Nazie Merkel and is known to the world as her father – was a Zionist spy and part-time organizer. The German chancellor herself was an active Zionist NAZIE in the FDJ.
The etymology of the name Hitler reveals that the name means a shepherd who lives in a hut. The name Adolf from Old High German means noble wolf. Thus, his combined name indicates that he was the Shepherd Wolf, or false shepherd. Strangely enough, Pope Ratzinger, or Benedict XVI, also has the title of Shepherd of the Church, and since he took office, the Roman Catholic Church has had a German shepherd. Incidentally, that breed of dog resembles a wolf.
We also know that Adolf Hitler nicknamed himself Herr Wolf. His East Prussian headquarters was called Wolfsschanze; his headquarters in France was called Wolfsschlucht, and his headquarters in the Ukraine was called Werwolf. Will the powerful European Union become the New World Order and Fourth Reich? Only God knows. (VN: Fascism was the zionist bankers goal even during WW II but did not happen, so they did project paperclip in order to develop the technology that could counter the sheer advantage of numbers by the filthy masses of cattle, as they like to call us.)
One more interesting point is that Chancellor Angela Merkel has an unusual obsession with the works of the occult composer Richard Wagner, who was a Satanist. She made her obsession known in an interview with the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in July 2005. Wagner wrote the infamous composition called Parsifal, which is purely occult and demonic. Parsifal was a favorite of Adolf Hitler as well, and Hitler stated that the music of Wagner occupied his mind.
Angela Merkel, like Adolf Hitler, is deeply fascinated with Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. The valkyries were minor female deities that would ride through every battle to gather the most valiant of the slain and carry them off to a place called Valhalla where they would wait to join the army of Odin in the last battle at the end of the world.
Angela Merkel, prooves to be being used of Satan to marshal the forces for the last battle called Armageddon It is also interesting to note that Chancellor Merkel has exactly the same eyes as Chancellor Hitler, and she bears a striking resemblance to him except for the little moustache, of course. Its a shock Hitler and Eva Braun did not commit suicide in the Führerbunker as there are lots of evidences that they escaped by mena sof a submarine to Argentina and Hitler died in the Argentinean Berghof in 1962. The truth is that they had a daughter called Angela and that is Angela Merkel.
The Berghof, Argentina 1962.
U.S. and Soviet soldiers looking at the supposed remains of Adolf and Eva in 45.
In 1945, the Naval Attaché in Buenos Aires informed Washington there was a high probability that Hitler and Eva Braun had just arrived in Argentina. This coincides with the sightings of the submarine U-530. Added proof comes in the form of newspaper articles detailing the construction of a Bavarian styled mansion in the foothills of the Andes Mountains. Further proof comes in the form of architect Alejandro Bustillo who wrote about his design and construction of Hitler’s new home which was financed by earlier wealthy German immigrants.
HITLER and Angela:
Adolf Hitler Freemansory Symbolisme

Perhaps the most damming evidence that Hitler did survive the fall of Germany lies in Russia. With the Soviet occupation of Germany, Hitler’s supposed remains were quickly hidden and sent off to Russia, never to be seen again. That is until 2009, when an archeologist from Connecticut, Nicholas Bellatoni was allowed to perform DNA testing on one of the skull fragments recovered. What he discovered set off a reaction through the intelligence and scholarly communities. Not only did the DNA not match any recorded samples thought to be Hitler’s, they did not match Eva Braun’s familiar DNA either. So the question is, what did the Soviets discover in the bunker, and where is Hitler?
Hitlers Last Speech
Even former general and President Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote to Washington. It was not only General Eisenhower who was concerned over Hitler’s compete disappearance, Stalin also expressed his concerns. In 1945, theStars and Stripes newspaper quoted then General Eisenhower as believing that the real possibility existed of Hitler living safely and comfortably in Argentina.
Adolf Hitlers daughter is Angela Merkel
Stasi’s documents reveal that German Chancellor Angela Merkel really is Hitler’s daughter. Born on July 17, 1954, – July 20, according to the Russian KGB, she is one of Dr. Karl Clauberg’s experiments. Secret documents by Stasi show that Dr. Clauberg brought Eva Braun from Western to Eastern Germany to use her as a surrogate mother for Hitler’s child. He completed the artificial insemination once he was released by the Soviets and finally, Angela Merkel was …born. report that fake parents were chosen for Merkel by Dr. Clauberg, the ‘angel of death’ and there was an agreement by Russia, the USA and the Vatican that Merkel would become powerful internationally once a German national was appointed as Pope. Of course, Merkel was really the daughter of Hitler but conspiracy theories often overlook annoying details. Dr. Clauberg is recognized as the father of artificial insemination and, like Hitler, as other experts claim he dabbled into the occult. The younger sister of Eva Braun, Gretl was inseminated and the real birth date for Angela was on April 20, 1954. April 20 is 11 days before the witches high sabot of Beltaine — whatever that is — and also Hitler’s birthday (1889).
Angela Merkels Nazi Genocide Education

Here is Merkel with her fellow secret Nazie soldiers where she had the role of propaganda officer. She denies that she was close to the rulers of East Germany even though this photo shows her at the age of 17, happily involved in a genocide plan of Allied Forces under the gaze of an German Nazie officer.
Did Hitler escape to Argentina with a daughter called Angela? The answer is yes.
Adolf Hitler and his daughter Angela
With the release of Top Secret FBI files from Wiki Leaks these official FBI documents confirme that the world’s most notorious leader actually escaped Germany and lived a peaceful life in the foothills of the Andes Mountains in South America and ha a dauighter called ANGELA. Newly declassified FBI documents prove that the government knew Hitler was alive and well, and living in the Andes Mountains long after World War II. Look at the story of Adolf Eichmann who was located in Argentina in the 1960′s
Please read this full article to learn the shocking truth that Angela Merkel is really the daughter of the most evil dictators the world ever has seen: Adolf Hitler .
On April 30 1945, Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide in his underground bunker. His dooble was later discovered and identified by the Soviets before being rushed back to Russia. Is it a fact that the Soviets have been lying all this time, and that history has to be rewritten because the release of the FBI documents and lots of evidence proove the shocking truth.
Recently, released leaked WIKI Leaks jTop Secret FBI documents show that not only were Hitler and Eva Braun’s suicide faked, the infamous pair might have had help from the Director of the US’ OSS office in Switzerland – and the man who would later become the first Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles. In one FBI document from Los Angeles, it is revealed that the agency was well aware of a submarine making its way up the Argentinian coast dropping off high level Nazi officials and Adolf Hitler. What is even more astonishing is the fact that the FBI knew Adolf Hitler was in fact living in the foothills of the Andes.
Now with this info below, it explains so much that did not make any sense. First of all The German gov under Merkel has doled out billions of dollars in reparations to the zionist khazars, and has allowed massive structures to dot the German landscrape that are zionist related facilities. We also discovered that Angela made some seriously disparaging comments about America and its stazi Nazi police state which we published before this one. So, given her connections to the Rothschild family, why is she disparaging the US and comparing it to nazi Germany where her own father, if that is what you want to call Hitlers sperm, was villified for doing all kinds of bad things, under command of the Rothschild international bankers. Angela is a result of the bankers dream to take control of reproductive rights and raise children by the state, and she made it to the top because she was a good student of those same bankers.
The fourth Reich
Given that the USA is doing Rothschild bidding in the middle east and elsewhere, like the NSA spying, then why are they using her in particular to set the USA up for WW III ? We know the game plan and have no intentions of going along with it. No matter what, everyone knows who is behind the curtain and no amount of false flagging is going to make us get bad at someone other than the bankers and their puppets, the Khazar International Zionist bankers, and that is the only people we will do WW III against. So, they wasted Angela, since the game is afoot and we know all the players now. What a waste.
It wasn't long until flaws in the theory surfaced. As further historical research was conducted, rumors began to circulate that challenged the suicide theory with claims of Hitler's escape to Argentina - particularly with news of sightings of German U-boats off the Argentinean coast.
Revealed will examine the declassified reports and eyewitness accounts of Hitler's life in Argentina in order to recreate the dictator's final years. In spite of the intense secrecy under which he lived, many saw and even worked for Hitler. Revealed will present the disturbing possibility that one of the world's most evil men was allowed to live out his final years in utter tranquility.
In 1945, the world was convinced that Adolf Hitler and his mistress Eva Braun had committed suicide in a Berlin bunker, though this theory lacked proper documentation and evidence. It wasn't long until flaws in the theory surfaced. As further historical research was conducted, rumors began to circulate that challenged the suicide theory with claims of Hitler's escape to Argentina - particularly with news of sightings of German U-boats off the Argentinean coast.
Win the world’s biggest jackpot
Yet, it wasn't until the recent declassification of secret documents by the Argentinean government and the FBI concerning the post-WWII era that researchers began to take the rumors seriously.Revealed will examine the declassified reports and eyewitness accounts of Hitler's life in Argentina in order to recreate the dictator's final years. In spite of the intense secrecy under which he lived, many saw and even worked for Hitler.Revealed will present the disturbing possibility that one of the world's most evil men was allowed to live out his final years in utter tranquility.
The Berlin informant
A Berlin secret agent informant agreed to exchange information for political asylum with the FBI. The informant knew Hitler was in Argentina. The Argentinian government not only welcomed the former German dictator, but also aided in his hiding.
The FBI Tried to Hide Hitler’s Whereabouts:
Even with a detailed physical description and directions and even with evidence placing the German sub U-530 on the Argentinian coast shortly before finally surrounding, and plenty of eye witness accounts of German official being dropped off, no one investigated.
Hitler - The Rise (Full Film)
Angela Hitler The rise of evil
With this info below, it explains so much that did not make any sense. First of all The German gov under Merkel has doled out billions of dollars in reparations to the zionist khazars, and has allowed massive structures to dot the German landscrape that are zionist related facilities. We also discovered that Angela Hitler made some seriously disparaging comments about America and its stazi Nazi police state which we published before this one.
So, given her connections to the Rothschild family, why is she disparaging the US and comparing it to nazi Germany where her own father Adolf, if that is what you want to call Hitlers sperm, was villified for doing all kinds of bad things, under command of the Rothschild international bankers. Angela Hitler is a result of the bankers dream to take control of reproductive rights and raise children by the state, and she made it to the top because she was a good student of those same bankers.
Given that the USA is doing Rothschild bidding in the middle east and elsewhere, like the NSA spying, then why are they using her in particular to set the USA up for WW III ? We know the game plan and have no intentions of going along with it. No matter what, everyone knows who is behind the curtain and no amount of false flagging is going to make us get bad at someone other than the bankers and their puppets, the Khazar International Zionist bankers, and that is the only people we will do WW III against. So, they wasted Angela, since the game is afoot
Angela Merkel was born in the D.D.R., the Communist portion of Germany in 1954. Her biography says she was born on July 17, 1954, and that she is the daughter of a Lutheran minister from an East German-controlled church but that is a lie. Soviet KJB archive files reveal an entirely different story. Stasi GDR files indicate that she was born on April 20th, 1954, (VN: wasn't that Hitlers Birthday April 20?) and details of her birth were included in the records of the German Dr. Karl Klauberg, who was one of the Nazi "death doctors" convicted by Soviet courts and imprisoned. When he later was recognized as a brilliant scientist, he was released after seven years and was recognized as the father of artificial insemination and admitted that Angela Merkel is the daughter of Adolf Hitler.
The Soviets were even more curious when they discovered Dr. Klauberg had preserved frozen samples of the sperm of Adolf Hitler. The forces of darkness in high places decided to try to produce a child from Hitler's sperm, obviously for occult and illuministic purposes. Dr. Klauberg then brought the youngest sister of Eva Braun (Hitler's wife), whose name was Gretl, to Eastern Germany, and the result of the experiment produced not a biological son of Hitler, but rather a daughter called Angela.
New Evidence
Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889, and Angela Merkel was born on April 20th, 1954. (April 20th is 11 days before the witches' high sabat of Beltaine.) Angela became a custodian of the Catholic Church through its connections with the East German Luceferian Church. Once a Zionist would take the Roman throne, Angela Merkel was to also take her biological father's position as German Chancellor. (VN: The holiest days for the occult are from April 19 to May 6; remember, the gulf blow out occurred on April 19.
On April 20th, 2005, the Zionist Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, (16th), precisely on the 116th birthday of Adolf Hitler. Then on November 22nd, 2005, Hitler's biological daughter, Angela Merkel was elected Chancellor of Germany. The day of that election, November 22nd, was the anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species, which is an antichrist publication denying the Creator of the universe.
The Soviet record evidence is strong, The undeniable fact is that Angela Merkel came from obscurity to triumviral power as German Chancellor, President of the European Union, and head of the powerful G-8 economic cartel. (VN: Sounds like the rise of Obama here in the US. Wonder if he is also a rothschild?) When I began to do further research on this, I discovered that Hitler's father, who took the name Hitler, was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild mistress whose last name was Schicklgruber.
Merkel and Osten
Here’s the proove of Merkel in 1986 with members of the DDR version of the Hitler Youth, the FDJ or DDR Jugenverbandes. Sitting near him is little Geli Merkel. Very few people doubt that the man who raised the Nazie Merkel and is known to the world as her father – was a Zionist spy and part-time organizer. The German chancellor herself was an active Zionist NAZIE in the FDJ.
The etymology of the name Hitler reveals that the name means a shepherd who lives in a hut. The name Adolf from Old High German means noble wolf. Thus, his combined name indicates that he was the Shepherd Wolf, or false shepherd. Strangely enough, Pope Ratzinger, or Benedict XVI, also has the title of Shepherd of the Church, and since he took office, the Roman Catholic Church has had a German shepherd. Incidentally, that breed of dog resembles a wolf.
We also know that Adolf Hitler nicknamed himself Herr Wolf. His East Prussian headquarters was called Wolfsschanze; his headquarters in France was called Wolfsschlucht, and his headquarters in the Ukraine was called Werwolf. Will the powerful European Union become the New World Order and Fourth Reich? Only God knows. (VN: Fascism was the zionist bankers goal even during WW II but did not happen, so they did project paperclip in order to develop the technology that could counter the sheer advantage of numbers by the filthy masses of cattle, as they like to call us.)
One more interesting point is that Chancellor Angela Merkel has an unusual obsession with the works of the occult composer Richard Wagner, who was a Satanist. She made her obsession known in an interview with the newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in July 2005. Wagner wrote the infamous composition called Parsifal, which is purely occult and demonic. Parsifal was a favorite of Adolf Hitler as well, and Hitler stated that the music of Wagner occupied his mind.
Angela Merkel, like Adolf Hitler, is deeply fascinated with Wagner's Ride of the Valkyries. The valkyries were minor female deities that would ride through every battle to gather the most valiant of the slain and carry them off to a place called Valhalla where they would wait to join the army of Odin in the last battle at the end of the world.
Angela Merkel, prooves to be being used of Satan to marshal the forces for the last battle called Armageddon It is also interesting to note that Chancellor Merkel has exactly the same eyes as Chancellor Hitler, and she bears a striking resemblance to him except for the little moustache, of course. Its a shock Hitler and Eva Braun did not commit suicide in the Führerbunker as there are lots of evidences that they escaped by mena sof a submarine to Argentina and Hitler died in the Argentinean Berghof in 1962. The truth is that they had a daughter called Angela and that is Angela Merkel.
The Berghof, Argentina 1962.
U.S. and Soviet soldiers looking at the supposed remains of Adolf and Eva in 45.
In 1945, the Naval Attaché in Buenos Aires informed Washington there was a high probability that Hitler and Eva Braun had just arrived in Argentina. This coincides with the sightings of the submarine U-530. Added proof comes in the form of newspaper articles detailing the construction of a Bavarian styled mansion in the foothills of the Andes Mountains. Further proof comes in the form of architect Alejandro Bustillo who wrote about his design and construction of Hitler’s new home which was financed by earlier wealthy German immigrants.
HITLER and Angela:
Adolf Hitler Freemansory Symbolisme
Perhaps the most damming evidence that Hitler did survive the fall of Germany lies in Russia. With the Soviet occupation of Germany, Hitler’s supposed remains were quickly hidden and sent off to Russia, never to be seen again. That is until 2009, when an archeologist from Connecticut, Nicholas Bellatoni was allowed to perform DNA testing on one of the skull fragments recovered. What he discovered set off a reaction through the intelligence and scholarly communities. Not only did the DNA not match any recorded samples thought to be Hitler’s, they did not match Eva Braun’s familiar DNA either. So the question is, what did the Soviets discover in the bunker, and where is Hitler?
Hitlers Last Speech
Even former general and President Dwight D. Eisenhower wrote to Washington. It was not only General Eisenhower who was concerned over Hitler’s compete disappearance, Stalin also expressed his concerns. In 1945, theStars and Stripes newspaper quoted then General Eisenhower as believing that the real possibility existed of Hitler living safely and comfortably in Argentina.
Adolf Hitlers daughter is Angela Merkel
Stasi’s documents reveal that German Chancellor Angela Merkel really is Hitler’s daughter. Born on July 17, 1954, – July 20, according to the Russian KGB, she is one of Dr. Karl Clauberg’s experiments. Secret documents by Stasi show that Dr. Clauberg brought Eva Braun from Western to Eastern Germany to use her as a surrogate mother for Hitler’s child. He completed the artificial insemination once he was released by the Soviets and finally, Angela Merkel was …born. report that fake parents were chosen for Merkel by Dr. Clauberg, the ‘angel of death’ and there was an agreement by Russia, the USA and the Vatican that Merkel would become powerful internationally once a German national was appointed as Pope. Of course, Merkel was really the daughter of Hitler but conspiracy theories often overlook annoying details. Dr. Clauberg is recognized as the father of artificial insemination and, like Hitler, as other experts claim he dabbled into the occult. The younger sister of Eva Braun, Gretl was inseminated and the real birth date for Angela was on April 20, 1954. April 20 is 11 days before the witches high sabot of Beltaine — whatever that is — and also Hitler’s birthday (1889).
Angela Merkels Nazi Genocide Education
Here is Merkel with her fellow secret Nazie soldiers where she had the role of propaganda officer. She denies that she was close to the rulers of East Germany even though this photo shows her at the age of 17, happily involved in a genocide plan of Allied Forces under the gaze of an German Nazie officer.
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